Monday, July 30, 2012

How to Pronounce the "Ng" Sound (Part 1)

In this first part of discussing the pronunciation of "ng", I will be concentrating at how to pronounce the "ng" sound when "ng" is at the end of a word. When the "ng" is at the end of the word, it is a nasal sound just like the letters "m" and "n".

As a nasal sound, the way to make the "ng" sound is very close to the way you make the "g" sound.  So that you direct the vibrations from your throat to your nose, you need to close the opening from your throat with the back of your tongue. With the back of your tongue closing the opening from your throat, you vibrate your throat area or larynx. These vibrations are then sent to your nose because the air and vibrations can't leave through your mouth.

When the "ng" is at the end of a word, then it is a complete nasal sound. But, when the "ng" is in the word itself, then it will sound differently. This sound will be explained in a future post.

Things to remember:

1) Have your lips and teeth apart.

2) When the "ng" is at the end of the word, it is a pure nasal sound, so the sound is made through your nose.

3) You should feel the back of your tongue covering the opening from your throat to trap the vibrations and air.

4) The "ng" sound is a voiced sound, so you should vibrate your throat area or larynx to make the "ng" sound.

Here are words you can practice with.

thing feeling teaching wedding shopping
something song belong leading hunting
during hang being saving surprising
bring spring ring marketing working
young evening thinking amazing shooting
long sing hearing parking exciting
among painting setting spending dining
nothing interesting rating king depending
anything along long increasing ongoing
morning beginning wing ring standing
everything willing opening engineering bombing
including understanding fishing swing manufacturing
along living living testing operating
strong growing warning drawing lung
according learning funding gang running
building following housing developing fighting
wrong finding existing ceiling cooking
meeting writing regarding advertising swing
training reading remaining clothing killing
changing meaning planning string recording

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

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