Friday, July 20, 2012

How to Pronounce the Letter "P"

The sound or pronunciation of the letter "p" is very close to the letter "b" sound, except that the letter "p" sound is voiceless. This means that you do not use your larynx or throat area when you make the letter "p" sound. There is no vibration in your throat area when making the letter "p" sound.

Just like the letter "b" sound, the letter "p" is pronounced with an explosive action. You keep your lips together as you try to exhale, or blow air through your mouth. You will feel a build up of pressure inside your mouth. With this pressure, you suddenly or explosively exhale by parting your lips and making the "p" sound. There should be no vibrating feeling in your throat area as you make the "p" sound.

Things to remember:

1) Keep your lips together at the start of pronouncing the "p" sound.
2) Build up pressure in your mouth by trying to exhale but still keeping your lips together.
3) Suddenly exhale and pronounce the "p" sound with an explosive breath.
4) This is a voiceless sound, so you should not vibrate your throat area as you make the "p" sound.

Here are some words you can practice with.

people plan point PM professional procedure
put perhaps period professor participant past
problem pass plant public publish perspective
part possible place prove plane promise
place police population popular powerful photo
program pull per peace perfect participate
play price private pain please pair
point position performance play press primary
provide player past particular possibility progress
power pick plan politics park plastic
political paper push perform potential plate
pay project page production presence press
president produce poor past previous paint
parent phone protect property prison pool
public picture pressure purpose pound planet
person practice prepare pattern protection panel
party piece particularly partner promote predict
policy product pretty positive present presidential
process patient physical painting path pocket
probably personal present prevent principle poll

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

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