Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Pronounce the Letter "G"

The letter "g" sound is voiced version of the letter "k" sound. The sound is made by vibrating your throat or larynx while covering the opening from your throat and making an explosive sound.

You can compare the letter "g" sound with the letters "b" and "d" sounds. The letter "b" is a voiced sound created by keeping your lips together to build pressure. The letter "d" is a voiced sound made by pushing with your tongue against the area where your upper teeth and the roof of your mouth meet to trap the air and vibrations. This time, you cover the opening from your throat with the back of your tongue to trap the vibrations. With a sudden release of the the tongue, you release the vibrations and the sound of the letter "g".

Things to remember:

1) The letter "g" sound is a voiced sound, so you should feel a vibration in your throat area when making the letter "g" sound.

2) Use the back of your throat to cover the opening from your throat and trap the vibrations and air in your throat.

3) Make the letter "g" sound with an explosive release of air and vibrations from the throat by dropping your tongue.

Here are words you can practice with.

go garden gate galaxy grateful grin
get global grass given grace goat
give gain guilty guideline glance grandparent
good gold graduate glove grip globe
great guard gap girlfriend govern
group guest green God guidance
government gather gain garage garbage
game gift grand grain gravity
grow growing good gifted gathering
girl grade glad grant Greek
guy grab glance ghost gasoline
ground greatest grandmother grocery grief
goal guide gear gaze glory
growth golf graduate gallery grin
graduation governor gang grave grasp
glass golden guarantee greatly gut
gun grant grandfather greet grandchild
guess gray garlic guilt gross
green grape gradually guitar gaze
gas guarantee guide guard glimpse

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

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