Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Pronounce the Letter "V"

The way to make the "v" sound is very close the "b" sound, But there are two main differences.

Unlike the "b" sound, the "v" is made with a continuous exhalation of air and not a sudden or explosive breath of air. Also, in making the "v" sound, you have to lightly bite or feel your upper teeth on your lower lip.

With your upper teeth touching your lower lip, create the "v" sound as you vibrate your larynx or throat area and exhale air. So like the "b" sound, the "v" sound is a voiced sound where you feel a vibration in your throat area.

Things to remember:

1) You should lightly bite your lower lip with your upper teeth while making the "v" sound.
2) You should feel a vibration in your throat area as you make the "v" sound because it is a voiced sound.
3) There should be a continuous exhalation or breathing out to make the "v" sound.

Here are words you can practice with.

very visit violate vocal
voice visitor vital validity
view variable variation vendor
value volume vessel voluntary
various vegetable vulnerable valid
visit vast valley veteran
violence virtually versus vacuum
victim visual venture
vote violent virtue
video volunteer van
version vs virtual
vote visible vitamin
variety vary volunteer
very veteran vanish
vision viewer value
village via verbal
vehicle valuable vaccine
view vacation voting
voter virus verdict
victory violation vertical

I hope this will help in improving your pronunciation and communications skills.

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